Shine Brighter: Aging and Mental Wellness Conference


April 30, 2024    
9:00 am - 2:00 pm


Coweta County Fair Grounds
275 Pine Road, Newnan, Georgia, 30263

Event Type

Empower Your Mind as You Age: Shine Brighter Conference (Free!)

Calling all active adults! Join the Three Rivers Area Agency on Aging for the Shine Brighter: Aging and Mental Wellness Conference. This FREE in-person event is designed to illuminate the importance of mental well-being for a fulfilling life, no matter your age.

Light Up Your Later Years:

This conference offers a day of insightful sessions and discussions focused on:

  • Maintaining Mental Wellness: Discover strategies to keep your mind sharp and your spirit vibrant as you age.
  • Interactive Workshops: Engage in practical sessions that equip you with tools and techniques for mental well-being.
  • Expert Connections: Connect with leading professionals in the field and ask your questions.

A Community of Support:

  • Learn from Others: Share experiences and connect with fellow participants on their journeys towards mental wellness.
  • Combat Stigma: Shine a light on the importance of mental health in aging and break down any negative stereotypes.
  • Empower Yourself: Gain valuable knowledge and tools to thrive mentally and emotionally in your golden years.

Don’t Miss Out!

  • Date: [Insert Date of Conference]
  • Time: [Insert Time of Conference]
  • Location: [Insert Location of Conference]
  • Cost: FREE!

Registration is Required: Secure your spot today to ensure your participation in this enriching event.

Shine Brighter Together!

This conference is more than just an educational event; it’s a celebration of mental well-being in our aging community. Join us and:

  • Discover Your Potential: Learn how to cultivate a positive mindset and maximize your mental well-being.
  • Connect with Others: Build a network of supportive peers who share your commitment to healthy aging.
  • Embrace a Brighter Future: Empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to live a fulfilling and mentally vibrant life.

Let’s shine a light on the importance of mental health and illuminate the path to a happy and fulfilling future, together!

Register Today!

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